Monday, February 27, 2017

Mental Library: Critical Lenses: Archetypal Lens

Good Day, Friends.

Before we start, I just wanted you to know that I could be reading right now. Instead of writing this. In all honesty, I should be doing homework. Any way, I will not be getting enough sleep tonight. Please realize how much I love you all.

Today, we are talking about the archetypal lens. I wrote a post about what archetypes are here. The archetypal lens looks at how archetypes influence the text, or what archetypes are used to suggest. For example, the color white is used to symbolize innocence. If you are reading a book in which a girl wears a white dress when she is young, and gradually stops wearing white, you can use that information to uphold the argument that she experiences the stages of loss of innocence. Also, archetypes can be used to help the other lenses.

Many archetypes can be seen in fairy tales.

There are so many parts of the archetypal lens. I should really just do a series on the archetypal lens specifically.


  1. Have you considered writing a post on the Hero's Journey archetype? That's one of the most common ones. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!


    1. Actually, I have written a post on the hero's journey! It's so interesting, because you can see the hero's journey in so many works of literature, no matter what genre they are.

      Here is the link to the Hero's Journey post:

    2. Thanks for the link! That was a really interesting post.


  2. You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it!


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